A Sacred Space to Encounter God
The 24-7 Prayer, Wooster Prayer Room is a sacred space in the heart of Wayne County where people can get away to experience God through prayer and spiritual practices. It is a place to pause, slow down, and center your heart to be with God. It is a space for the spiritually curious, spiritually mature, or anyone on their spiritual journey.
The Wooster Prayer Room is located at 2033 Portage Road at a location that is easily accessible to people from all over the county. It is available 24/7; this means that people can come to pray or meditate at any time of day or night. During “Public Time”, the Prayer Room is staffed by a team of volunteers who are available to answer questions and provide assistance.
24-7 Prayer Wooster is a place where people can come together to pray for our community, country, and the nations. We believe that prayer can make a difference, and we are committed to centering Jesus and uniting our community around prayer, mission and justice.
We invite you to come and visit us. We believe that you will find it to be a welcoming and safe space to encounter God and experience His peace and presence.
“It is by being awake to God in us that we can increasingly see God in the world around us.”
― Henri J.M. Nouwen, Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith
Prayer is Breathing In
PRAYER is how we grow in friendship with God, partner with his Spirit, and are filled with his love. We cultivate prayer as a central practice that guides and empowers our life and mission.
We SUSTAIN rhythms of weekly, monthly, and seasonal prayer.
We INVITE friends, neighbors and churches around the city to experience the joy and power of encountering God in prayer.
We MOBILIZE the church to pray by resourcing and engaging in citywide initiatives, offering practical guides, and sharing inspiring stories of how ordinary people today are encountering God in extraordinary ways.
Mission And Justice Is Breathing Out
We partner with churches and ministries to impact our cities and bring Kingdom transformation
The church in a city or a region is an extended family, and we believe that when churches realize we need each other and come together in prayer, friendship and unity—Jesus’ prayer in John 17 will be answered and God’s Kingdom will be released and our efforts to love our city together will be multiplied in impact.